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A Conference Venue London Guide to Conferences in 2029

Here are Conferences UK we deal with venues all over the UK from conference venue London to Edinburgh and we know that the events they host are changing all the time. If we look back ten years, for example, events were very different than they are now. But what will conferences look like in ten years time? Let's have a look into the future and see: Pop Up Conferences Will Be More Popular Bigger is not always better in the world of conferences. There is already starting to be a move towards more localised and smaller events which give attendees much more value. Holding them in places such as Cotswold conference centre also means that attendees who live in that area have a shorter distance to travel, taking less time out of their busy day to attend - which can often make the conference a much more appealing prospect. We think this trend will continue to grow in popularity in the next ten years with the focus being on smaller events with a limited number of places - with the event content and format being repeated in different cities/regions. Events on tour if you will. Massive Stadium Events will also become more Popular On the flip side of the pop-up event on tour, we predict that huge stadium-style conferences will also grow in popularity - with the medium sized events losing out. When we say stadium-style we are talking up to 60,000 attendees in a space which is normally used for sports or concerts. This could seem a little impersonal to some, but one thing is for sure, it is an event that will not be forgotten - and it could help you to attract some big speakers who may normally be out of your price range. Shaking Up the Conference Format Events that encourage the attendee to be passive are becoming a thing of the past, and we will see more of a focus on participative conferences in the future - as they have proven to not only give better retention rates but also allow for greater results as well. This means there will be a mix in delivery methods, with lecture-style presentations being interspersed with group exercises, and attendee movement in between. This can give attendees more of an opportunity to explore the topics and issues raised at the event which will leave them feeling more stimulated, with a feeling that the conference was worthwhile and therefore more likely to attend your next event as well. Tougher Attendance Criteria for Sought After Events Events and conferences in 2029 will have a stronger vetting criteria with many needing attendees to complete a pre-approval process before being offered a place, in a bid to ensure the best attendees are selected. It could be based on a rating system according to seniority within a company or job title, or even answers to specific questions. This is likely to be a trend driven by the most popular, sell-out events who will get more selective in their place offering by trying to come up with different ways to satisfy their supporters and fund their events. It may also lead to no-shows being blacklisted from attending future events! More Sustainable Food Options One of the biggest event trends we have seen this year so far is the increase in the number of conscious food choices being offered, perhaps being driven by the number of people in the UK identifying themselves as Vegans rising by 350% in the last 12 months alone. Sugar is being left out of menus at many conferences, not only because event planners want to be seen as offering healthy alternatives, but also they do not want to appear frivolous either. The key trend in food and beverages for events now is really to do with choice. Making sure there is something on the menu to suit everyone, including plant based, vegetarian and vegan options. Meat options will probably be reduced also as event planners strive to reduce their environmental impact. Customer Service by Robots We reckon that by 2029 certain customer service elements of conferences - such as the check in process - will be completed by robots rather than people. This can free up staff from this time-consuming task, allowing them to oversee other more essential tasks. Many robots are already in use in large hotels around the world to check guests in and help them with concierge services, so the next step to participating in conferences and events is surely not far away! Whatever type of conference or event you are planning, and wherever you are planning it - whether it be a conference venue London or the Aston centre Birmingham - the team at Conferences UK can.
Author: Gladys Requina
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