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What Not to Do When Organising a Conference or Meeting

Leave everything until the last minute Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. This includes a precise agenda for your meeting. You can adapt your plan depending on how things are going, but initial structure is necessary to focus participants and reassure them they're there for a good reason. Organisation and planning are sure-fire ways to ensure your event runs smoothly. Book a venue over budget As regal as you feel booking that stately home or suite in the Tower of London, the glamour fades with the bill. Determine a reasonable budget prior to venue hunting and stick to it. Our Expert venue finders can help you find the best venue for your money. Scrimp on the budget The other end of the scale. You'll get the most out of your team by ensuring they feel well looked-after, so don't be frugal. Forget about catering and water No matter how engaging a meeting is, participants always come away with an opinion on the food. Check what catering options are available when booking your venue and ask whether they'll include unlimited tea and coffee in the day delegate rate. Book an unsuitable venue Sending delegates on a wild goose chase will inevitably set things off to a bad start. Check transport links before booking your venue and ensure the meeting room satisfies your technical requirements. Get a speaker in without briefing them Even the most reputable professional in the field is little use to you without knowing the purpose of your meeting and what goals his or her contribution is expected to help achieve. Make inappropriate jokes Funny name badges can work as an ice-breaker, but not when it gets personal - let delegates make their own so they don't feel ridiculed. Humour is a great way of easing the atmosphere, but don't recycle jokes from Christmas crackers and hold back on the distasteful one-liners. Run over schedule Your goals will be undermined if participants leave the meeting in a bad mood having been made late for their next commitment.
Author: Gary Burgess
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